
Health facilities and hospitals are privileged places dedicated to preserving and treating people’s health. Such facilities require complex infrastructure and significant resource investment. However, effective management of these facilities is crucial for patient safety and satisfaction.

The Benefits of Wisera for Hospitals

Wisera offers a range of significant advantages for hospitals, including optimizing hospital resources, monitoring audit processes, and enhancing facility security.

1. Resource Management:Wisera facilitates the management of staff, medical supplies, and equipment, helping to maximize resource utilization. It digitizes and records processes such as asset allocation, stock management, and inventory counts.

2. Security: It enables the digital monitoring of processes such as regular patrols by security personnel, generation of security reports based on patrols, and emergency security interventions.
3. Maintenance and Repair: By easily tracking the maintenance and repair processes of assets in hospitals, Wisera ensures performance continuity and cost optimization.

4. Reporting and Analysis: Through data analytics, managers can better understand the collected data from field operations and plan for future improvements.

5. Patient Satisfaction: Patients and their relatives visiting healthcare facilities can easily initiate requests, complaints, and notifications through the Whatsapp Smart Assistant and track these processes to provide feedback. This contributes to increasing visitor satisfaction.

Providing excellent care in healthcare facilities and hospitals is essential for patient safety and satisfaction. Wisera is designed to help manage healthcare facilities more effectively.